SB 1398 - Dry Needling
Effective September 30, 2022, before providing the therapeutic modality “dry needling” in accordance with A.R.S. § 32-4101(4)(D) and as defined in R4-49-101(13), an athletic trainer shall:
1. Meet the qualifications established in subsection (B) and
2. Provide the Board with documented proof of compliance with the qualifications listed in subsection (C) in a format as prescribed by the Board.
The Notice of Exempt Rulemaking published by the Arizona Secretary of State can be located at
If you plan on providing the therapeutic modality of Dry Needling, you will need to submit the following:
1. The Dry Needling Standards of Education and Training Submission Cover Sheet
2. The Certificate of Completion which documents all of the requirements of A.A.C. R4-49-406 OR the Certificate of Completion with supporting documentation that demonstrates completion of the requirements in A.A.C. R4-49-406. (e.g. course syllabus, letter from course instructor, letter from course provider, letter from course approver)
Please submit the above requirements directly to the Arizona Board of Athletic Training (“Board”) by email at [email protected]. Please await a letter of confirmation by email prior to the delivery of Dry Needling. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action.
Please review the Frequently Asked Questions prior to submission.