
The Arizona Athletic Training Board
The Arizona Board of Athletic Training was established by the Arizona Legislature in 2000 to regulate this profession. As such, the Board issues and renews licenses for the athletic training profession based on the applicant meeting established standards of experience and competency. The Board also receives, investigates, and resolves complaints taking necessary disciplinary action if appropriate. Finally, the Board responds to inquiries from consumers as to the license status of individual athletic training professionals. This website is designed to assist consumers and professionals in obtaining information in an easy, accessible manner.

Dry Needling Statement
The Arizona Board of Athletic Training (“Board”) is the duly constituted authority for licensing and regulating the practice of Athletic Training. As a reminder, it is the responsibility of all practitioners to engage in activities that are within the scope of practice of athletic training. That scope is set forth in statute at A.R.S. § 32-4101(4). The practice of dry needling does not fall within the statutory definition of athletic training. A complete set of the Board’s statutes and regulations can be found on the Board’s website under the tab “About Us.”